Saturday, March 30 2013
At 11A.M. – 1PM
Brook Park
(By the East 141st Street
entrance on Brook Avenue)

Help make a fun event for our children.
Parents and Volunteers
CALL Grant

Bring Your Own Basket!
All ages welcome!
Join us for fun in the park!

Face Painting, Egg Hunt, Plant Peas, Wheelbarrow Race & fun garden projects.

For more information, e-mail information AT friendsofbrookpark DOT org
Help make a fun event for our children.
Parents and Volunteers
CALL Grant

Vote for Local Food and Youth Employment

Friends of Brook Park has a major proposal up for vote with regards to the Parpiticipatory Budgeting process in NYC 2013.

A process allows a few city council members involved to fund a community based project which the community is involved from the beginning, become delegates and give their final vote in the end. About 1 million dollars is available for council districts involved to fund these projects. We have a major proposal to get a Solar Powered Green House established in the South Bronx in public green space that would be youth based to help our community grow food, learn how to market and sell their own food and grow a green economy.

All of you who live or know someone who lives in the 8th council district which is Council Woman Mellissa Mark-Viverito’s distrcit can vote to get this important project funded. Last year we missed the threshold by less than ten votes!

Anyone who lives in the Bronx or Harlem and are within the new redistricting lines can vote for this project. Ray and Harry please make any corrections if I misstated anything.- All of us should come out to show our support at one of the dates listed below and pass the word out to people who do!

Vote for the Solar Powered Green House!

There are 3 dates for the Participatory Budgeting Vote are:

BRONX SITE:Friday, April 5th from 12-8pm at Milbrook Community Center 201 St. Anns Ave. at 137th St.

EL BARRIO Saturday, April 6th from 11-4pm at SCAN LaGuardia 301 or 307 E. 116th St.

UPPERWEST SIDE WEST HARLEM Sunday, April 7th from 11-7pm at Fredrick Douglas Houses- 888 Columbus at 104th St.

Email Ray for more information

South Bronx CSA

The 2013 South Bronx CSA is here!.

If you are interested in ordering shares, let us know!


Now in its 10th year! 2013!



If you were a member last year, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS 2012 FEEDBACK FORM!

THE SOUTH BRONX CSA is a community-driven initiative that brings the people of the community together to build the necessary resources and infrastructure to continue to transform the South Bronx into an accessible and affordable food oasis. Our mission is to create affordable access to locally and organically grown vegetables for everyone in the South Bronx and beyond. Join today!

South Bronx CSA share October 6th 2010

South Bronx CSA share October 6th 2010

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a community-based movement that creates affordable access to healthy foods for city-residents while allowing local farmers to thrive in an environment that is increasingly competitive and unfavorable. Before the growing season, CSA members purchase a share of food from a partnering local farmer, allowing the farmer to focus on farm duties instead of struggling to secure a customer base and competing against large agribusiness. For CSA members that means 20 weeks of fresh, locally grown, organic vegetables at an affordable price! Our CSA functions thanks to the volunteer efforts of all of our amazing members. In an effort to make healthy foods available to everyone, we offer sliding scale prices based on people’s incomes, accept payment installments, and we have always welcomed SNAP (food stamps) and EBT. Registration is open NOW!

Port Morris Historic Brochure Available

Thanks to The Historic Districts Council. We have printed versions of the brochure linked below, contact us for a copy or copies!


The Historic Districts Council is New York’s citywide advocate for historic buildings and
neighborhoods. The Six to Celebrate program annually identifies six historic New York City
neighborhoods that merit preservation as priorities for HDC’s advocacy and consultation over
a yearlong period.

The six, chosen from applications submitted by community organizations, are selected on the
basis of the architectural and historic merit of the area, the level of threat to the neighborhood,
the strength and willingness of the local advocates, and the potential for HDC’s preservation
support to be meaningful. HDC works with these neighborhood partners to set and reach preservation
goals through strategic planning, advocacy, outreach, programs and publicity.


The core belief of the Historic Districts Council is that preservation and enhancement of
New York City’s historic resources—its neighborhoods, buildings, parks and public spaces—are
central to the continued success of the city. The Historic Districts Council works to ensure the
preservation of these resources and uphold the New York City Landmarks Law and to further
the preservation ethic. This mission is accomplished through ongoing programs of assistance
to more than 500 community and neighborhood groups and through public-policy initiatives,
publications, educational outreach and sponsorship of community events.