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The Indigenous Culture Committee of Friends of Brook Park and our allied organizations United Confederation of Taino People, Kalpulli Huehuetlahtolli and including Teotl Kalli Quetzalcoatl and Maisiti Yukayeke Taino and Calpulli Atlachinolli invites you participate in a day of energetic fun when we share together to attend to all the things we need to do to be able to host the activities and events we know and love!
Brook Park
On June 4th Saturday
Work and skills sharing from 11-3PM
3-5PM food and music that we all bring together. So bring something!
We will be doing a number of things, and you can participate in all or some. We see many folks for our Indigenous Culture Events and activities, but only a portion of those attendees have had the great opportunity in the preparation or clean-up of these vital events. Let’s get together in the park and share these essential aspects of our success, and bring some potluck food to share! And some instruments!
For those who cannot share with us on that day in person, you can always do something before that day. Or you can donate resources online here: http://friendsofbrookpark.org
Also, you can encourage your friends and family and organizations to participate too!